CHICAGO, August 5, 2011 - Littelfuse, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFUS) today announced that it has purchased all the outstanding stock of Selco A/S. Selco, based in Roskilde, Denmark, is a recognized leader of extremely reliable power generation and control relays for the marine and industrial markets.
"The acquisition of Selco is a significant step in our strategy to expand our protection relay business," said Dan Stanek, General Manager of Littelfuse Startco. "Their focus on power generation controls and arc-flash detection systems compliment our existing offering of protection relays. They also provide a strong base for further expansion of our industrial protection business and broaden our capabilities to help customers reduce electrical hazards. Littelfuse收购Startco堪称珠联璧合。”
Jens Hammer Sorensen, Managing Director of Selco, added, "We believe that this is a great partnership. 我们认为,与Littelfuse合并使我们能够为我们的客户带来新的产品和能力,并可获得企业发展的新机遇。”
About Selco A/S
Since its founding in 1984, Selco has been a pioneer and leader in the development of extremely reliable electrical products for the marine industry and has earned a reputation for quality and value. Selco collaborated on many basic industry standards and today is a preferred supplier for many of the world's leading ship builders and land-based power generation operations. Selco products are available as standard or custom designed products to meet customer needs. Selco is ISO 9001-certified. The company is headquartered in Roskilde, Denmark, with sales offices in the Middle East, India and China.
关于Littelfuse Littelfuse公司成立于1927年,是一家电路保护领域的全球领先企业,向业界提供最广泛、最尖端的电路保护产品及解决方案产品组合。Littelfuse生产的设备可为市场上包括消费电子产品、汽车和工业设备在内的几乎所有耗电产品提供保护。除了位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥的全球总部以外,Littelfuse在美洲、欧洲和亚洲还拥有20多个销售、分销、制造和工程部门。Littelfuse提供的技术包括 保险丝; 气体放电管(GDT); 正温度系数器件(PTC); 继电器控制与系统; PulseGuard® ESD抑制器; SIDACtor®保护晶闸管; 瞬态抑制二极管阵列(SPA™系列产品); 开关型晶闸管; 瞬态抑制二极管 和 压敏电阻。公司还提供品种齐全、可靠性极高的 机电和电子开关及控制设备, 适用于商业及特种车辆;另外还提供地下 配电产品。
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