Keeping heat pumps operating at peak efficiency ensures the comfort of building occupants and saves money. Consult this block diagram to identify Littelfuse components that help achieve those goals. Options include capacitors for motor starters, thermistors for temperature sensing, and TVS diode arrays for lightning protection. We also supply ESD suppressors for wireless interfaces.
技术: 保险丝 保险丝座 MOV 浪涌保护器件 产品系列: 505 功能与特色: 符合 UL/IEC 标准;低内阻;防电击;抗振动 特色: 通过遵守UL/IEC等监管安全标准,缩短客户资格认证时间
技术: 接触器 产品系列: HCC , HCD 功能与特色: Compliant with UL/IEC standards; silver alloy contacts for best-in-call performance 特色: High reliability; available in one to four poles for design flexibility
技术: 整流器模块 MOSFET 栅极驱动器 产品系列: 功能与特色: Package with DCB ceramic; very low forward voltage drop and low leakage current 特色: Allows for low heat signature during operation
技术: 集成式PFC升压 MOSFET 二极管 栅极驱动器 产品系列: 功能与特色: 将MOSFET与FRED二极管集成在单封装中 特色: High power density; reduces component count,PCB space savings
技术: IGBT模块 IGBT 栅极驱动器 温度传感器 产品系列: 功能与特色: Rugged design with thin wafer technology; short circuit rated for 10 ?sec; low gate charge; low EMI and competitive low VCE(SAT) 特色: 可实现低功耗和快速响应
技术: 保险丝 保险丝座 MOV Replaceable Fuse 瞬态抑制二极管 产品系列: 215 , 216 功能与特色: 符合 UL/IEC 标准;低内阻;防电击;抗振动 特色: 通过遵守UL/IEC等监管安全标准,缩短客户资格认证时间
技术: 瞬态抑制二极管 温度传感器 产品系列: SMF , 1.5SMC 功能与特色: 200 W peak pulse power capability; excellent clamping capability; low profile 特色: 通过在瞬变期间将电压箝位在安全水平来提高系统可靠性
技术: Reed Sensor + Actuator 产品系列: 功能与特色: Application-specific customization available, wide range of sensitivity available 特色: Hermetically sealed, suitable for humid, wet or contaminated environments
技术: 瞬态抑制二极管阵列 聚合物ESD 产品系列: SP3213-01UTG 功能与特色: 每个输入/输出电容低至1.0 pF 特色: Absorbs repetitive ESD
Recommended Littelfuse Components for Heat Pumps
Accurate Temperature Sensing to Prevent Freezing Accurate Temperature Sensing to Prevent Freezing
Sensors are used to measure the refrigerant line temperature in a water source heat pumps. The HVAC system controller uses the sensors to maintain the refrigerant operating at optimum temperatures for efficiency and to prevent freezing refrigerant lines. Littelfuse sensors provide very fast temperature sensing. Littelfuse engineers worked with the customer to design a unique assembly shape, custom lead lengths and labeling to ease manufacturing integration.
Heat Pumps Resources HVAC Product Capabilities - Brochure Learn about the relays, capacitors, temperature sensors, contactors, and other solutions we can provide for heating and cooling systems.
温度传感器选择指南 请参阅本指南,确定哪种Littelfuse热敏电阻、RTD、数字温度指示器或探头最适合您的应用。
智能建筑与家居应用指南 了解Littelfuse技术,帮助您增强楼宇和家居自动化应用的电路保护、电源控制和传感精度。
Littelfuse温度传感产品选型指南 请参阅本指南,确定哪种Littelfuse热敏电阻、RTD、数字温度指示器或探头最适合您的应用。
HVAC/R Capabilities Guide Get quick descriptions of and web links to Littelfuse products for protecting HVAC/R circuits, controlling power to units, and sensing temperatures.
HVAC Fuse Storage System Flyer Improve the organization and management of your fuse inventory using large and small bins that stack on a freestanding rack.
HVAC Temperature Sensors Flyer Consult this flyer to understand the Littelfuse line of HVAC/R temperature sensing products.
Understand the Difference Between Contact Chatter and Contact Bounce 在 Littelfuse 阅读本应用说明,了解接触器和继电器引起的接触弹跳和触点颤动的原因和解决方案。
HC/5 变压器类型宣传单 了解隔离变压器、自耦变压器、II类变压器、通用变压器和控制变压器的独特功能。
HC/继电器术语宣传单 阅读用于描述控制继电器特性和功能的术语定义。
HC/更换故障交流接触器 快速获取有关识别空调系统中交流电容器故障以及如何安全更换关键电子元件的提示。
了解电容器宣传单 快速了解启动和运行电容器以及双运行电容器的功能。
Heat Pumps Spotlight Consult these tables and block diagrams to find fuses, overvoltage protection solutions, capacitors, thermistors, and contactors for heat pumps.