Protect Your Facility from An Arc Flash
弧闪继电器使用可靠的光探测技术,可快速检测弧闪并在几毫秒内使断路器跳闸。 Watch this video to
Damaged "working ground" leads or improper setup can allow welding current to take alternate paths through facility structure, ground conductors, and conduit fittings. When this stray current runs through conduit or control panels, it causes the conductors to heat up and melt insulation. Use the SB5000's built in ground monitoring to make sure the effective ground-fault current path stays intact and proactively prevents future shock hazards from occurring.
了解 PolySwitch® LoRho® 表面安装式 PPTC 如何充当自恢复保险丝,保护 USB 电缆连接器免受过电流和过热故障的影响。