
芝加哥,2021年10月20日Littelfuse公司 (NASDAQ: LFUS), an industrial technology manufacturing company empowering a sustainable, connected, and safer world, announced it will begin distributing its manufactured fuse, fuse holder and fuse block products directly from its Canadian warehouse.

In-house distribution benefits include:

  • Distributors will be able to purchase Littelfuse fuse, fuse holder and distribution block products as well as relay and control products directly from the Littelfuse Canadian office in Canadian dollars
  • Littelfuse will stock inventory in Mississauga, ON and will offer a low minimum order and low prepaid shipping threshold
  • Emergency shipments and same-day pick up will be available from the Littelfuse warehouse
  • Extensive Littelfuse support structure to improve customer service

The Littelfuse Canadian representatives will continue to support its manufactured protective relay & control products and will begin supporting the Littelfuse fuse product line effective January 1, 2022.

For more information, please reach out to your local Littelfuse manufacturer representative or feel free to contact Littelfuse Eastern Canadian Sales Manager Jarrod Pridham at or Littelfuse Sales Engineering Manager Tyler Klassen at

关于 Littelfuse

Littelfuse (NASDAQ: LFUS)是一家工业技术制造公司,致力于为可持续发展、互联互通和更安全的世界提供动力。凭借覆盖15多个国家的业务和12,000名全球员工,我们与客户合作设计和交付创新、可靠的解决方案。服务于超过100,000家最终客户,我们的产品每天应用于世界各地的各种工业、运输和电子终端市场。详情请访问