RM-1000-ENCL - RM Covers Series

系列: RM Covers
已淘汰: 2020 -09-16 供货情况: 已淘汰


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Steel enclosure for protecting a Littelfuse RM1000 remote communications monitor from adverse affects of weather and vandalism, while allowing normal communications connections to the RM1000 unit. Its superior design protects an RM1000 from overexposure to UV sunlight as well as from hail during a storm, and it incorporates a seal around the opening in the back to seal the unit to the electrical box, keeping rain from contacting the RM1000 connections. The enclosure also features a built-in padlock tab (padlock not included) to lock the cover to deter vandalism.
参数 (将鼠标移到目标文字上面可显示详情) 数值
Protection Class NEMA 3R
Mounting Method Use RM-1000 hardware
Dimensions 6.4 H x 6.3 W x 1.7 D in. (162.6 x 160 x 43.2 mm)
Weight (lbs/g) 0 Kg
Check Stock Yes
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