HSPZA 系列 - 单脉冲

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The HSPZ Series is a factory programmed module available in any 1 of 13 standard functions. The HSPZ offers dual switch adjustable timer or counter functions. Switch adjustment allows accurate selection of the time delay or number of counts the first time and every time. The 1A steady, 10A inrush rated solid-state output provides 100 million operations, typical.其微控制器定时电路可提供出色的重复精度和稳定性。封装可防止冲击、振动和潮湿。 The HSPZ Series is a cost effective approach for OEM applications that require small size, solid state reliability, and accurate switch adjustment. See datasheet for operation details.


Catalog #Input
Voltage (V)
Storage Temperature (F/C)Time Delay RangeDimensions
HSPZA22SL 24 or 240 V ac-40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°F)T1: 1 - 1023 s; T2: 1 - 1023 s3 H x 2 W in.(76.7 x 51.3mm)
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