880076 - SL系列

系列: SL
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The SL Series 16 V Max Power Distribution Module for ATO® and MIDI® Fuses provides main battery power shutdown from a remote location. This model (880076) enables remote switching of high-amperage circuits and features built-in manual switching, eliminating significant factory or field interconnections.

该系列具有公共总线电源输入,可接受ATO®保险丝(在非开关电路中最高额定值为40 A)和MIDI®保险丝(在双稳态继电器切换电路中最高额定值为200 A)。 This power distribution module is ideal for protecting both low-amperage "always on" loads, including clock memory, alarms, tachograph, and telematics (e.g. Qualcomm) modules, and high-amperage circuits, such as vehicle control modules, inverters, and auxiliary circuits.


  • Enables remote switching of high-amperage circuits
  • Built-in manual switching control knob
  • Dust-resistant to IP5X
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