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SPSP720采用SCR/ ESD二极管两极结构阵列,用于敏感输入电路的ESD和过压保护。 SP720每个输入端都有2个保护SCR/二极管的器件结构。 总共有14个有效输入端,可最多保护14个外部信号或总线。 过压保护功能接线为从IN(引脚1-7 和引脚9-15)到V+或V-。 SCR结构适用于+VBE二极管阈值超过V+(引脚16)或-VBE二极管阈值低于V-(引脚8)时需要快速跳闸的场合。 如果瞬态脉冲使得输入电位比V+高出一个VBE时,从输入端IN至V+的箝位电压则被激活, 如果一个负脉冲使得输入电位比V-低一个VBE时,类似的对V-输入端IN的箝位电压则被激活。 标准的ESD人体模型(HBM)功能是:

请参见图1和表1,了解详情。 请参阅应用说明书AN9304和AN9612,了解更多信息。

pdficon SP72xAxx Leaded Part Obsoletion Notification

This obsoletion notification is for all leaded SP72xAxx Series and parts.

pdficon ESD and Transient Protection Using the SP720 Application Note

This application note discusses ESD and transient protection using the SP720. For a given level of voltage or power there is a defined degree of protection compatible to that need. For the SP720 the protection circuits are designed to clamp over-voltage within a range of peak current that will substantially improve the survival input expectancy of average monolithic silicon circuits used for small signal and digital processing applications.

pdficon AN9734 IEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards for Industrial Process Measurement and Control Equipment

This application note discusses the purpose of the International Electrotechnical Commission lEC 61000-4 (previously known as lEC-801) standard which established a common reference for evaluating the performance of industrial-process measurement and control instrumentation when exposed to electric or electromagnetic interference.

pdficon TVS Diode Array SPA SP720 Lead-Free/Green Series Datasheet

The SP720 is an array of SCR/Diode bipolar structures for ESD and over-voltage protection to sensitive input circuits...

pdficon SP720 SP721 and SP723 Turn-On and Turn-Off Characteristics Application Note

The purpose of this application note is to focus on customer concerns related to the fast switching characteristics of the SP720 SP721 and SP723 family of protection ICs during an ESD discharge. The SCR cell structures of this family were first introduced for ESD protection of sensitive ICs that were subject to substantially more severe conditions than normal Human Body Model stress.

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